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Common errors can occur when upgrading to a different Oracle APEX version.  Problems can range from JavaScript errors to images not loading properly.  There are guides from various sources to address these, but I thought it would be helpful to create a checklist to have everything in one place.

For this blog, we will start with the easiest fixes first and then work our way to the more time-consuming ones.  This is a guide for the recommended install configuration of APEX.


Clear the cache on your web browser and then restart your web browser


Restart the Webserver


Verify the images were copied from the images directory to the application server

    •   cd  /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/apex/images/
    •   cp  -R * $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/i
    •   sh  $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
    •   sh  $CATALINA_HOME/bin/

Run reset_images_prefix.sql

    •   Navigate to /home/oracle/apex/utilities
    •   Log into sqlplus as sysdba
    •   Run the command @reset_image_prefix.sql

Run apxldimg.sql

    •   Navigate to where APEX is installed
    •   Log into sqlplus as sysdba
    •   Run the command @apxldimg.sql

Run apex_epg_config.sql

    1. Change your working directory to the apex directory where you unzipped the Oracle Application Express software.
    2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role:

On Windows

          • SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog
          • SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
          • Enter password: SYS_password

On UNIX and Linux

          • $ sqlplus /nolog
          • SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
          • Enter password: SYS_password
    1. Run apex_epg_config.sql passing the file system path to the base directory where the Oracle Application Express software was unzipped:

On Windows

          • @apex_epg_config.sql SYSTEM_DRIVE:\TEMP

On UNIX and Linux

          • @apex_epg_config.sql /tmp


Run java -jar E:\ords\ords.war validate


Perform a clean install of APEX





We do not take responsibility for any unintended or unwanted consequences in your instance of Oracle, Oracle APEX, or related products as a result of reading our blogs or following our guides. Though the information is fully tested and generally safe to use, our lawyers really have a thing against admitting potential wrongdoing. If it makes you feel any better, one time they made me go out to buy more office equipment. Even though they asked for college ruled notebooks, I bought wide ruled ones on purpose to spite them. When the building was empty, I restocked the notebooks, but then I burned the receipt, took PTO for the next 2 weeks, and turned my phone off. The company stock just happened to dip $0.02 shortly thereafter and didn’t rebound for 10 days. I’m so lucky I wasn’t fired for taking that prank too far.